Renee's Dev Blog

Thoughts as I learn to code

What is self?

Similar to a person having multiple facets to their personality, and depending on the circumstance or situation depends on how and which facet is shown in that circumstance or situation, self allows us to call on itself in various ways dependent on the context in which the self keyword is used within our code.

Horoscope Reader -- Ruby CLI Project

For my first Ruby project, built as part of the Flatiron part-time online-based curriculum, I chose to build a horoscope reader that uses data from the website. The program first scrapes data from the website to give the user 12 astrological signs to choose from and then asks the user to select the number associated with the sign in which they would like to read the horoscope.

Why code??

I start this coding journey for the same reason as many others: to pivot and change careers. My background is in management, retail, customer service, marketing, and accounting. I have owned my own businesses, helped plan a few craft shows, and even led my own Zumba class for a while. I enjoy learning and knowing how to do many things and exploring the world of code just seems like a natural skill to have in my tool belt.