Renee's Dev Blog

Thoughts as I learn to code

Working with React and Redux

Finally, I’ve arrived at the moment I’ve spent 10 months working towards: my capstone project for the Flatiron program! Over the past few weeks we dived deep into the React and Redux flow, and for our final project our class was instructed to create an application that utlizes a Rails API backend and React with Redux frontend. We also needed to utilize the Thunk middleware to manage the asynchronous logic that interacts with the Redux store.

The JavaScript / Rails API Relationship

Next up on my project tinkerings is a Single Page Application (SPA) that utilizes a JavaScript front end and Rails API backend. For this project I decided to create a resume-type page, since I will start applying for jobs soon. I figured it would be a good idea to consolidate my work history and interests in one cozy spot! Upon passing my Flatiron project review for this project, I plan to upload it to Heroku and use it as a personal marketing tool as I connect with people in the development community. We are getting close to the end here at Flatiron and though a bit nerve-wracking to not know precisely what the future holds, it is an exciting and rewarding time!

Do you even calendar, bro?

As part of the Flatiron curriculum, we take a few weeks to learn a new programming language, then take the training wheels off and build our own application from scratch. As we wrap up the Ruby on Rails section, I built an appointment scheduling application, focused around salon time management. I concierge can book an appointment by client, service, and/or stylist.

AVIDcraft | Sinatra Project Demo

For my second project at Flatiron, I worked with Sinatra, ActiveRecord, and SQL to build a web application with database capabilities that utilizes encryption and sessions. This project went much smoother than my experience with the first project! I had a better understanding of what was expected and also a better grasp on the content we had learned. I know I will encounter many learning edges and uncomfortablility when when I get to the presentation aspect of this project, but I at least feel more comfortable with the expectations and can better prepare. All normal things that are apart of this process of learning something new!

Sinatra Week 5 Recap

Describe REST:
Representational State Transfer – An industry standard URL naming structure